Think Better … Feel Better …Act Better
with Bev Webster
CBT is a talking therapy that is based on the premise that people’s emotional and behavioural difficulties are not caused by what happens to them but by the way they think about what happens to them. This means that these difficulties can be significantly reduced or eliminated if an individual changes the way they think.
To learn more about CBT and the benefits, please click here.
The Executive and Personal Coaching services I offer begin with self-leadership.
Whether you are leading an organisation, a team or a project it begins with you, who you are, how you show up and what you do in the good and in the challenging times. Outstanding leaders recognise that the way they build and manage relationships, the way they face challenges and develop resilience, the decisions they make and their ability to manage their Wellbeing are all underpinned by the way they think, feel and react.
To learn more about my Coaching services, please click here
To learn about Think Better workplace services, please click here
If you want to Think Better, Feel Better and Act Better call 087 967 8149 or fill in the contact form.
“The Hardest Person You Will Ever Lead is Yourself”

Our services

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a 1:1 counselling service that will help you to get rid of unhealthy emotions and reactions by changing your thinking habits. When you learn to think better you will feel better and act in ways that get you more of what you want.

Think Better
Cognitive Behaviour Coaching focusses on helping you to manage and lead yourself more effectively so that you can achieve your goals. Knowing who you are, what you stand for, and what you want is the starting point of your plan. Developing and practicing powerful cognitive, emotional and social skills will drive your plan to success.

Think Better
at Work
Think Better at work provides Coaching, Consultancy and Training Workshops to help managers lead themselves and others more effectively. The focus is on developing effective thinking and Emotional Intelligence underpinned by learning more about who you are, what you stand for and how to use that to become a truly authentic leader.